Monday, September 19, 2011

Oompah's cracking up!

Since my last post, I haven't seen Oompah much because he works far away and is gone for a week at a time, so Mommy sends him pictures of me.  He says he can't stop laughing!  I don't know why! I'm just a normal girl doing what girls do!  Take a look!
I drink coffee (actually, it's a diluted chocolate milk, but I don't really know any better)

I visit friends on their birthdays (Happy Birthday, Luke!)

I help Mar-Mar with minor repairs around the house (Here I am helping to fix Grandma Patty's sewing machine--"Hey Mar-Mar!  Hold the light steady, please!")
I even take baths every night!  Whether I'm at the cabin.........

...or at home. (Like my hair?  I just washed it and can't do a thing with it!)
Ok, Ok, every once in a while I cut loose and put parmesan cheese on my head.  What girl doesn't?

See you next time!  ;-)

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