Thursday, October 25, 2018

Lily takes over her blog!

Hi I'm Lily my grandpa used to write my blog because I didn't know I had a blog.
So I'm taking over.  Enjoy!

Today at school it was pajama and movie day.
At P.E. we had to get in a group and create a dance, but it didn't work out to well for us. We only figured out a song.

Once in class we learned not to give out personal information online or anywhere. I'M NOT GIVING MY PERSONAL INFORMATION SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.     >:l

I'm 9 years old. This is my first time making a blog. I play roblox and watch youtube. The youtube channels I watch are: Leah Ashe, iamsanna, Jelly, and Jobless Garret. Well, I'm done writing, I guess see ya tomorrow when I write again.    #coolkid      

P.S. my grandpa fixed a few things on this and reserves the right to edit all of my posts before publishing them.

1 comment:

  1. Good first attempt, Lil! Keep going and growing in your life and faith!
